The committee would like to welcome all new and returning coaches. The committee is very appreciative of the commitment you have made to coach at our club, we are thankful for the sacrifice you have made in taking on this role.
The committee has made a commitment to help develop its coaches and in turn produce better quality players and young men and women. As a club, we will ensure that all players are coached competently in the fundamentals of Rugby League.
Through the acquisition of core skills such as;
Play the ball
Holding the ball (grip, carry, catch & pass)
Tackle technique
Draw and Pass
Evasion skills (step, swerve, body positioning, feet and fend)
These are the building blocks that must be addressed before moving on to more advanced drills, and are the secret for success both in the short term, but more importantly as the players progress through the age groups. It is not only important to demonstrate the skill, but it is imperative that the how, why and when we use the skills is taught as well.
Planning Your Season
Planning your season, especially the pre-season sessions is the key to success. Effective communication between the coaches is a must. Coaches must arrive early, have a plan and be prepared. We understand that every coach will have their own patterns and pet plays, this is encouraged. However, each age group should have common basic shapes, ruck plays and general calls. This should be set out by the higher-level coach or may be achieved by consensus of all the coaches in that particular age group.
Pre-Season Training
Club policy is for the age groups (under 13 to 18s) to conform to a ‘club based’ structure during the pre-season. Groups should be formed as evenly as possible i.e. based on the skills being taught, position or fitness level of the group. Splitting groups into perceived or pre-determined 1’s, 2’s etc. is NOT permitted.
Our aim as a club is to build just that, ‘A Club’. We aim to build both player depth and club spirit. The mentality of a 1’s player or 2’s player no longer exists. More skilled players should be encouraged to mentor players who are still mastering game skills.
The positives of training as an age group are; stigmas are broken down, social skills and friendships develop, overall skill levels increase and players can seamlessly slot in when teams are short.
We also encourage the younger age groups to mix in where possible too. A bit of healthy competition via a games night or relay night is a good way for the various aged teams to mix on both a skill and social level.
All age groups should aim to have a mixed session every 3-4 weeks during the regular season.
We encourage all coaches to put their own personal stamp on their team, however there is plenty of time for that after teams have been selected.
Team Selections (13-18yr Age Groups)
We strongly urge all coaches to enter each season with an open mind towards team selections.
Do not pre-determine your team before trials have even started. Children can grow and develop a great deal both physically and mentally during the off season.
During the trial games fringe players should be given the opportunity to play at a higher level. This is beneficial for both the player/s and the club.
All attempts must be made to have an open and transparent selection process. We encourage the use of independent selectors where applicable and possible. If or when difficult selection decisions are to be made, the committee will make the final decision, in consultation with the coaches and coaching coordinators.
Teams Selections (6-12yr Age Groups)
For the 6-12yr age groups we endeavor to keep the previous year’s teams together. New players to the club will be evenly dispersed across the established teams. However, there may be certain circumstances where this will not be possible. E.g. If one team from the previous year lost a large number of players, players from the other teams will have to move players to even up numbers.
Conversely, if we experience an influx of ‘new to rugby league’ players in an age group, a whole new team may be formed. The club would then have to distribute the existing experienced players to ensure all teams are of an equal ability. Player movement between teams will be decided by the committee, and with consultation between the coaching coordinators' and the coaches before final decisions are made.
Coaching Responsibilities
ALL coaches must sign and abide by the NLKRLC Coaches Code of Conduct.
It is the responsibility of all coaches to obtain the necessary NRL Coaching Accreditation. The club will notify any coaches who require accreditation.
All coaches must attend any mandatory in-house coaching coordinators coaching sessions.
ALL coaches MUST attend all coaching coordinators coaches meetings.
Coach Mentoring & Resources
We have some of the most experienced coaches in the North Lakes area, with a great understanding of the game. Coaches, at all levels, need to be continually developing and learning as the game evolves. From time to time, all coaches may feel like they are lacking some ideas, methods or direction. Coaching resources are readily available, these may be drill books, or videos from the internet. Hard copies of various drills are available from the coaching coordinators, or can be emailed to you upon request.
Please feel free to contact our coaching coordinators, coaches or committee members at any stage during the season for assistance.
We need to ensure that as coaches we are above reproach in regards to our interaction with players, parents and officials. Players look up to their coach. You need to make sure you are setting a good example with your behavior and ethics.
We, the committee are dedicated to ensuring the continued development, not only of this great club, but also of every player. We take great pride in the club and as a committee our goal for the club is to create a positive environment for everyone by having the right people, in the right positions, and that starts from the coaches we have at our club.