Insurance cover
Player summary cover

All registered players of the North Lakes Kangaroos, can review the coverage that is in place for the nominated period. Also for player benefit there is a real life example of a surgery and the difference between having private health and not, as well as the split in varying expenses. This is a guide only and terms and conditions must be met.
IMPORTANT: The club insurance available for current registered club players is a reimbursement policy, so all expenses need to be paid by the injured player and should submit the eligible expenses for reimbursement.
Loss of Income Top Up – Application Form:
As the coverage in place for the Community Rugby League program is a base level of cover, we highly recommend you seek alternative options available due to possible Loss of Income. With the application form there are many options an individual/team can take. Please note any additional coverage must be in place prior to claim occurring, should there be no additional coverage in place, then base level coverage will only apply.
Claim Form:
The Community Rugby League program, now have an on-line claim form, the paper format claim form is still available should players wish to use.

North Lakes Kangaroos Rugby League Club Certificate of Insurance